How much do you really need for retirement? A smarter solution to fund your ideal lifestyle
Retirement planning is a puzzle that leaves many scratching their heads, wondering, “How much is enough?” Ask Google that question, and out spews a hundred different opinions, many written to avoid offence. Even the experts don’t always agree. From ambitious pre-retirement targets to debates about how our spending patterns change as we age, there are as many plans for retirement as people providing them.
One thing is clear, though: a well-structured investment strategy that includes a low volatility, higher-income, private credit income fund, may ease the burden and enhance financial security at every stage of retirement.
The numbers game: what’s “enough” for retirement?
The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) annually sets a widely cited “comfortable” retirement standard, suggesting a home-owning couple needs $690,000 by age 67 to enjoy a “comfortable” lifestyle.
Yet, a 2025 Colonial First State survey reveals the average Australian believes $823,000 is necessary. And weirdly, that number is down from $1.6 million in 2024.
Meanwhile, both above balances are irrelevant to about 80,000 Australians, who the Treasury says have over $3 million in superannuation.
Despite this, some critics argue that ASFA’s benchmark is too lofty because only 30 per cent of couples hit or exceed that balance.