In the Press
Best Buys in the market for 2011
Roger Montgomery
February 17, 2011
As more Australian companies start to pile up cash, the mergers and acquisitions buzz is sure to heat up. Roger Montgomery believes that less flashy share buybacks and dividend initiatives are often a better bet for increased shareholder returns and nominates some of his favourite A1 businesses. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Market commentary.
The Bull’s stock pick of the week
Roger Montgomery
February 14, 2011
Shareholders of McMillan Shakespeare,Australia’s biggest provider of salary packaging, continue to sing “Let the good times roll.” But not everyone is thrilled with McMillan Shakespeare’s current market valuation, including well know Australian Fund Manager and Author, Roer Montgomery. Roger first penned his concerns about MMS at his blog back in August 2010. MMS is now above $7.00 compared to Roger’s intrinsic value of $2.64, there is also the problem of increased debt following MMS’ acquisition of Interleasing. Read article.
Well-known Australian commentator, Roger Montgomery penned his concerns about MMS in his blog back in August. Being a value investor it is easy to see why he is less enthusiastic with MMS above $7.00, than $2.64, when he first wrote his opinion on McMillan Shakespeare. Montgomery was also unhappy with debt levels that MMS took on after its acquisition of Interleasing.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Montgomery’s A1-quality rating portfolio
Roger Montgomery
February 11, 2011
How did independent investment expert Roger Montgomery’s A1-quality rating portfolio actually perform? Roger revealed the results to Peter Switzer on his Sky News Business Channel. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Top Stocks for 2011
Roger Montgomery
January 17, 2011
Your Money Magazine brings you a selection of top stocks set for take-off in 2011. Roger Montgomery reveals three of his A1 stock picks that should provide good capital gains in the medium to long term. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Ten ‘must-reads’ for investors
Roger Montgomery
January 1, 2011
Summer holidays are always a great time to catch up on reading. With that in mind, the ASX republished 10 of the most popular stories from ASX Investor Update in 2010 for investors who may have missed them first time around, or want to revisit themes and ideas. Roger Montgomery’s “Best Value Shares” in the October 2010 ASX Investor Update was second on the list of must reads. Read Roger’s article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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SMSF – Your questions answered – Roger Montgomery’s stock tips for your self-managed super fund
Roger Montgomery
December 31, 2010
Which stocks are the best bet for your self-managed super fund? Independent investment expert and Switzer regular Roger Montgomery shares his super fund strategies for long-term investors. Read article at
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Test your business IQ
Roger Montgomery
December 29, 2010
It’s that time of year again when we remind you of some of the more egregious follies of the business community during the year. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Well informed, well rewarded
Roger Montgomery
December 23, 2010
Roger Montgomery’s ValueLine column for Alan Kohler’s Eurkea Report was a favourite this year. In August he investigated Matrix Engineering, a company that has tripled in value this year and whose shares almost doubled since his article was published.
Montgomery liked the look of the annual report figures from the specialist mining services provider (revenue of $102 million and profits of $18.2 million) and thought that revenue could double over the next 12 months, though profit will depend on the level of increased production from a new $29 million facility in WA and currency movements. He bought them, at $3.42 but valued them at $6.05–9.00. Matrix closed December 23 at $6.33, an increase of 85.09%. Great call, Roger.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Shares and snares
Roger Montgomery
December 7, 2010
Choosing your shares is a big step, but it’s not unmanageable if you ask the right questions. Gayle Bryant of the Medical Observer asked Roger Montgomery for his insights. Read article.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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Mobile phone competition heats up
Roger Montgomery
November 25, 2010
Vodafone and Optus have upped the ante heading into Christmas, further threatening Telstra’s market hold. Roger Montgomery says the value of Telstra today is $2.30 and that’s significantly lower than its value 10 years ago. Read the transcript.
by Roger Montgomery Posted in In the Press, Media Room.
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