Australian Eagle’s risk management process
The Montgomery team attended a presentation from Mark Oliver, Head of Risk, at Australian Eagle Asset Management on Thursday, and were very impressed with the institutional grade Investment and Risk Management process.
To remind readers the Australian Eagle “Long-Only” Strategy which was launched in February 2005 has delivered a compound annual average return of 11.46 per cent, beating the S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index by 4.17 percent per annum on a pre-expense basis over the 17.67 years to 30 September 2022.
Mark Oliver’s independent risk function has certainly added an enormous amount of portfolio insight since he joined Australian Eagle 13 years ago. His oversights include Risk Management change analysis, style drift studies, stock management behaviour and trade authorisation. The Australian Eagle proprietary data base comprises over 5,000 company research papers commencing in 2005, and Mark checks every research paper for internal consistency and accuracy, and transverse consistency, and quality score, valuation and investment grade changes across reporting periods.
Risk analysis is performed on both conventional and customised lines. The detail Mark has in analysing the likes of tracking error, beta, Sharpe ratio, downside capture, turnover, capitalisation band exposure, sector exposure, stock selection analysis, liquidity and best or worst performers is extraordinary.
Customised risk analysis includes exit analysis, holding period analysis, quartile risk-return behaviour, internal benchmark construction, drawdown analysis and other proprietary analysis. As an example, the graph below shows the aggregate performance of all stocks that have ever left the long-only portfolio. As a confirmation of exit discipline, at the six-month mark (131 trading days) exited stocks on balance lost over 4 per cent compared to stocks that remained in the portfolio.
Australian Eagle exit analysis
Source: Australian Eagle Asset Management
And on drawdown analysis, when the S&P/ASX 100 Accumulation Index recorded a 5 per cent down day, it is worth noting the Australian Eagle Long-Only Strategy had a win/loss ratio of 70 per cent and average alpha of 0.5 per cent proving its defensive characteristics in tough markets.
Australian Eagle rolling drawdown analysis 2005-2022
Source: Australian Eagle Asset Management
Overall, Australian Eagle brings with it a very impressive institutional grade Investment and Risk Management process.
Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Returns are not guaranteed and so the value of an investment may rise or fall.
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