Montgomery Small Companies Fund 30 June 2022 Update
The Montgomery Small Companies Fund performance was a story of two halves during the financial year ending 30 June 2022, with strong returns posted in the first six months, followed by negative returns in the ensuing months. With the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index down 19.52 per cent for the financial year, there have been a narrow channel of sectors and companies that have done well.
In this short video, Roger discusses with Portfolio Manager Dominic Rose the Montgomery Small Companies Fund’s performance, current market conditions and outlook. In recent months we have observed many companies with key sustainable competitive advantages, quality balance sheets and structural growth tailwinds being sold off harshly. Such volatility in markets always create opportunities.
You can learn more about the Montgomery Small Companies Fund here

Dominic Rose is the Portfolio Manager of the Montgomery Small Companies Fund. Dominic joined Montgomery in August 2019 after spending thirteen years specialising in smaller companies in portfolio management and equities research. Most recently, Dominic was a Portfolio Manager and Senior Research Analyst at MHOR Asset Management in Sydney for three years. Prior to this, he ran Deutsche Bank’s Small Caps Equity Research Team in Sydney for six years. He was also previously Head of Research at Foster Stockbroking.
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