Montgomery awarded Emerging Fund Manager of the Year
I am personally delighted to announce that Montgomery Investment Management has been awarded the prestigious Emerging Fund Manager of the Year title at the 2016 Money Management and Lonsec Fund Manager of the Year Awards.
The winners of the 29th Fund Manager of the Year Awards were announced last night at a gala dinner at Sydney’s Four Seasons, attended by more than 350 of the industry’s leading participants.
The team responsible for the award includes Scott Shuttleworth, Ben MacNevin, Stuart Jackson and Russell Muldoon and is lead by Portfolio Manager and Head of Research Tim Kelley.
As Chief Investment Officer and founder, I am delighted Montgomery has been recognised for delivering that which is important to investors – protection and growth. On behalf of the dedicated and committed individuals who contribute so much of their personal time to the firm I am grateful that this award will recognise their efforts.
The Montgomery Fund, has returned 74.24 per cent to investors since inception, outperforming the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index by 32.59 per cent over the same period. Importantly it has achieved this result with approximately 20 per cent of the portfolio held in the safety of cash.
The Fund is available to retail investors directly through the Montgomery website or through a variety of platforms. The minimum direct investment is A$25,000.
The results of the awards are based on Lonsec’s research methodology, which assesses their conviction of the manager’s investment philosophy and process; stability of the investment team; risk management; and finally weighting was given to funds that had delivered excess returns in calendar year 2015.
Thank you to everyone at Montgomery who have collectively delivered on their individual promise to put our clients first.
Roger Montgomery
Eric Holliday
Roger, congratulations to you and your team, well deserved. Looking forward to your team achieving many more successes in the years ahead.
Roger Montgomery
Thank you Eric
Gerard Loty
Dear Roger,
Well done. As a Finance Director working abroad it is good to know that the Montomgomery team is managing my investments so well. I invest in two of your funds and am delighted that you have received this award. Being based in London, with the added responsibility of managing pension funds, I have had many fund managers to choose from but chose your team for their focus as quality value investors.
Kind regards,
Gerard Loty
Roger Montgomery
Dear Gerard,
Thanks for taking the time to write, and all the way from London! It’s encouraging to know that we are gaining a little traction internationally and with institutional investors. I look forward to meeting with you later in the year.
Angelo Aspris
Well Done Roger, Russ, and Tim.
Paul Kulen
Well deserved recognition Roger, congratulations to the entire team.
Roger Montgomery
Thank you Paul.
One question among all the congratulations. Is this award for managing the best emerging fund or for being the best emerging manager? I’d go along with the former, but not for the latter. The jury is still out on the Global and Montaka Global funds.
Roger Montgomery
It goes to the manager for the fund. Probably hard to argue that with over 100 years of collective experience, we are emerging individuals/managers!
Robert Toms
Congratulations to the team. Looking forward to the years ahead.
Roger Montgomery
Thank toy Robert. We’re very grateful for the industry recognition. With trading dominated by short term investors, its terrific to be able to see there is a place for long term, business ownership style value investing.
Stan Mandelstam
Heartiest congratulations. Well deserved.
Jon E
Congratulations to the team, Recognition for the great job you are doing!
robert hill
Congratulations Roger and your team. Never in doubt
michael gee
Well done everyone at Montgomery. Well deserved for all your efforts. Look forward to still more rewarding years ahead.
Phil Crossan
Congratulations – very well deserved.
Lester Green
Well done to the Team – great effort. May continual improvement continue to light the way forward.
glenn smith
congratulations team Montgomery on your award it makes it a lot easier to sleep at night knowing your teams record in money management investing over the years well done
Roger Montgomery
Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. It’s a genuinely edifying experience for our team who work long hours, take complete ownership of their role as financial stewards and are dedicated to protecting and growing your investment with us.
Your recognition by the industry is Richly deserved and I could not be happier to be associated with such a hard working and ethical team. To all at Montgomery Fund: “Well done and lets go back to back next year”!
Brian Aitken
Congratulations, a well deserved recognition for you & your talented team Roger.
I’m looking forward to your new long/short fund on Aust/NZ shares opening, as I consider the team will blow the lights out with that combination on local shares.
Cheng Chua
Excellent news .. heartiest congratulations to the entire team ..
The cream of the crop!
TQ !
Greg McLennan
Congratulations to the Montgomery team.
Scott T
Well that’s just fantastic Roger, may I say Bloody WELL DONE.
Here’s cheers to the entire MIM team, congratulations to all of you.
All the best
Scot T
Yavuz Atasoy
Well done Roger and the team,our super is in your hands.
colin benson
Well done, thanks for taking care of my retirement.
Carolyn Martyn
Well done and well deserved!
Avito da Costa
Congratulations! Outstanding job; vindicates your commitment to prudent value investing and my choice to use your services.
Kelvin Ng
Well done Roger, Tim and team. That’s fantastic and well deserved.
Andrew Mckenzie
Nice job guys, keep up the good work!
Dave B
Fantastic news (although not particularly surprising) and congratulations!
Clio Hertzberg
Congratulations to all on this well deserved award.
Well done! Much deserved!