2013… what a year!
As we draw the curtains on 2013, we thought it would be interesting to look back at the three most popular stories from the year. They are…
3. Dear Property Investor – Your Best Warning!
The Australian residential property market has had a spring in its step recently. Auction clearance rates have been healthy, and rising prices have prompted media commentary on the possibility of an emerging housing “bubble”.
I’m no property expert, and so it may be wise to avoid putting an oar in on this debate, but let’s put wisdom aside for a moment and think about whether the application of value investing principles can add anything to a discussion on house prices. –Click here to continue reading
2. Threats to Cochlear’s Market Position?
Many readers will have noticed the dramatic fall in the price of Cochlear (COH) shares from above $80 per share at the start of February to below $60 recently. COH is an Australian-based world beater in cochlear implants (note that “cochlear” is both the name of the company (COH) and the part of the inner ear into which cochlear implants are implanted, whether they are supplied by COH or a competitor). At Montgomery, we are big fans of COH, and in the past it has been a significant holding of the Montgomery [Private] Fund. With the recent decline in share price we have again been taking interest in the business. –Click here to continue reading
1. Dear Under-50 Investor
Dear Under-50 Investor,
Superannuation will be no good for you if you are under 50 today, so invest the absolute minimum amount into super.
That means, no salary sacrificing, no co-contributions, no non-concessional contributions. Ignore the calls to save tax and boost your super you will be soon contributing 12% of your salary anyway. This is not advice but a challenge to others, much more qualified than I, to dispute it and explain why I am totally wrong. By the way, as a fund manager of course, I am financially delighted to be completely wrong on this one! –Click here to continue reading