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It’s official. BT Wrap adds Montgomery Fund!

It’s official. BT Wrap adds Montgomery Fund!

For some time investors who have a solid working relationship with their planner and or advisor have faced some challenges investing directly in The Montgomery Fund. Those challenges are just a little lower now thanks to The Montgomery Fund’s official inclusion on the BT Wrap platform today.

If you are an advisor who has been waiting for The Montgomery Fund to be included on the BT Wrap prior to adding The Fund to your clients’ portfolios or a dealer group awaiting BT Wrap inclusion before putting The Montgomery Fund on your APL, today’s announcement opens the door for you.

And perhaps most importantly, if you have personally been wanting to invest with Montgomery but have been told by your advisor that you would have to wait until The Fund was available ‘on platform’, then give your advisor a call today and let them know The Montgomery Fund is now on platform with BT Wrap.

Thank you and now…back to our regular programming.


Roger Montgomery is the Founder and Chairman of Montgomery Investment Management. Roger has over three decades of experience in funds management and related activities, including equities analysis, equity and derivatives strategy, trading and stockbroking. Prior to establishing Montgomery, Roger held positions at Ord Minnett Jardine Fleming, BT (Australia) Limited and Merrill Lynch.

This post was contributed by a representative of Montgomery Investment Management Pty Limited (AFSL No. 354564). The principal purpose of this post is to provide factual information and not provide financial product advice. Additionally, the information provided is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion about any financial product. Any commentary and statements of opinion however may contain general advice only that is prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial circumstances or needs. Because of this, before acting on any of the information provided, you should always consider its appropriateness in light of your personal objectives, financial circumstances and needs and should consider seeking independent advice from a financial advisor if necessary before making any decisions. This post specifically excludes personal advice.

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  1. Hi Roger,
    Having a BT Wrap portfolio i am delighted that they have finally seen the light and have added the Montgomery fund, your knowledge and wisdom in a minefield of information has made me good money in the past, consequently via the Wrap platform I have invested $****** (amount removed) in your retail fund, to you and your colleagues keep up the excellent work.

  2. Hi Roger

    Congratulations to you and all your team for your rating (unsurprisingly)

    The post regarding how Value.able has been a successful tool for Business Owners reminded me how I came to know about you and your book – I bought a copy back in 2010.

    My story began on the 2009 Christmas. A family member bought me a yearly subscription to Money Magazine. In the first edition (February 2010) was the first time I read an article written by you and became aware of Vaulue.able and your online site.

    After reading your article in the magazine and the many blogs on your site at the time it had an immediate impact on me how one should approach investing. I thought it is more a rational approach to what I had been reading in reports on companies from an analyst.

    I won’t name the analyst as I’m sure they would be similar in their comments, maybe not as irrational on a couple articles I will never forget.

    1. Around 6 months after the GFC onset, the analyst stated it would be the largest inventory restocking since World 2 generating employment and spending again and he was predicting the ASX 300 would be back to pre GFC levels by the end of the year. Apparently he forgot about the pre GFC very loose credit driven world economy and then the post GFC amount of wealth lost and more stringent lending.

    2. Transurban, a toll operating road company. Back in around 2009 their main income asset was in Melbourne (maybe it still is). They are permitted to have quarterly CPI increases. For solely that reason, according to the analyst the company was defence – recession proof. Mmmm, I suppose the analyst’ was informing you when economic conditions decline and employees lose their jobs they will continue to use the tollways everyday and business’ will have empty trucks using it also.

    Admittedly, those examples are in extreme upper echelon of irrational advice. However using the knowledge I have learnt from you for researching companies, having a buy on a poor quality company for reasons of a low PE compared to the competitors, or a steady beta ratio, or other reasons is irrational.

    The $49.95 I paid for the Value.able book was the best investment I have ever done. I have stated before in other blogs I don’t know how to thank enough for the book and this online site.

    I am positive everyone who has read the book would echo the same sentiments.

    Even if by word of mouth it’s established a high network affect to this knowledgeable online site you generously established for no subscription fee.

    Regards Ron

    • Dear Ron,

      I cannot thank you enough for those very encouraging words. I sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to write them down and of course I am truly delighted to have been a part of your journey.

  3. That is good news. Is the offering on BT Wrap subject to same minimum investment amount of $25k? Regards, Chris

  4. Some other regular programming. The 2013 Nobel prize for economic sciences has been awarded jointly to Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller.

    According to the link i have been sent (NY Times):
    “The three economists, who worked independently, were described as collectively illuminating the workings of financial markets by showing that stock and bond prices move unpredictably in the short term but with greater predictability over longer periods. The prize committee said these findings showed that markets were moved by a mix of rational calculus and irrational behavior.”

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