A very pleasing year
It has certainly been a very pleasing year. Forty months after launch, Montgomery clients benefit from the energy, intelligence and enthusiasm of fourteen dedicated professionals and two domestic products – The Montgomery Fund and the Montgomery [Private] Fund led by Tim Kelley and Russell Muldoon respectively – and two global products – the Montgomery Global Fund and Montaka Global Fund, led by Andy Macken and Chris Demasi.
Focusing today on investing in Australian businesses, The Montgomery Fund has delivered its initial investors an absolute return of 75.18 per cent after expenses up to 30 November 2015. This assumes reinvestment of distributions and equates to a compound annual return of 18.3 per cent. Over the same period, the S&P/ ASX 300 Accumulation Index recorded an absolute return of 37.05 per cent, a compound annual return of 9.9 per cent. For an investor who initially invested $100,000, The Montgomery Fund has out-performed the broad Australian market by 38.13 per cent or $38,130.
Particularly pleasing for me is the fact the Montgomery [Private] Fund and The Montgomery Fund have both performed exceptionally in a tough market environment. The benefit of both funds is that they hold meaningful levels of cash when the opportunities to invest become scarce. In the twelve months to 30 November 2015, for example, several big Australian companies have returned very poor share price performances. Investors in BHP (-33%), RIO (-21%), Origin Energy (-47%), Santos (-54%), Woolworths (-23%), ANZ Bank (-13%) and National Australia Bank (-9%) have had a disappointing year and the S&P/ ASX 300 Accumulation Index, which assumes reinvestment of dividends, is up a miserly 2.12 per cent.
In contrast, the Montgomery [Private] Fund and The Montgomery Fund are up 17.65 per cent and 16.55 per cent, respectively.
It is not uncommon for investors to want to ‘time’ their investment in a fund. What these results demonstrate is that even if you had correctly predicted twelve months ago that the stock market would be lower today, it has been a very expensive error to wait before investing in either of the domestic Montgomery funds.
Please click on the links for more information on the Montgomery [Private] Fund or The Montgomery Fund.
hi Roger thanks for providing such an informative blog, no strings attached , where do i go to find out detailed information on australian companies- mergers , acquisitions and stuff like that?
appreciate any information you can provide.
hope you have an enjoyable and safe christmas.
Roger Montgomery
Thanks for the well wishes Bruce. Keep an eye out for Bridget Carters column in the Oz.
zoran arnautovic
Hi Roger/David
I wouldn’t mind wearing T shirt that has on it : I am Monty are you ?
On the back you could have rogermontgomery.com
Roger Montgomery
Thanks for the encouraging words.
Kelvin Ng
Well done Roger and team. That is a really great result.
Roger Montgomery
Thanks Kelvin.
Tom Buckley
Well done to all at Montgomery!
This blog and the general nature in which you all approach the way you do business in terms of being open, honest and generous with your knowledge is what sets you apart (and of course your investment returns) from the rest.
Merry Christmas and I wish you all a safe and prosperous 2016!
Roger Montgomery
And to you and yours too Tom.
Albert Lee
To Roger, David and all the Montgomery Team
Well done on another fantastic year ! It goes without saying that I’m truly delighted with the communication, honesty and openness of the team. The results stem from the rigorous and thoughtful approach that makes so much investment sense. Myself, being an investor in your domestic and global funds and on behalf of all the clients we placed in your funds, thank you for a marvellous performance. Keep up the great work !
Roger Montgomery
Really appreciate those encouraging words Albert. Thank you for taking the time to write.
peter stann
I remember Roger saying not so long ago that if he was investing his own money he would put it in only his top 6 or 7 stocks. As good as your returns were, I am guessing they would have been even better if you had a ‘maximum’ conviction fund with only these stocks in it? Is this right, and would you ever consider launching such a fund?
My guess is that the volatility would not make for a good funds management business. However I am sure there are many Monty followers who would love to invest in such a fund.
Roger Montgomery
Hi peter, You only need to imagine what the returns would have been if we were 100% invested in equities to arrive at some sense of that. The volatility issue is one for investors to be concerned about. The smoother the returns the easier it for an investor to stick with a strategy that requires years to reach its full potential.
gary telford
Hi Roger, David & Team,
Thank you for a job well done, much appreciated
Hope you and your families gave a great Christmas & New Year
Looking forward to 2016
Kind regards
Gary & Caryll
Roger Montgomery
Thank you Gary and Caryll,
And our very warmest Christmas wishes to you too.
Terry Cleal
Keep rocking on. Been with you since day one. As the Gershwin song says
“Who Could Ask For Anything More”
Roger Montgomery
Always appreciate your comments and support Terry.
Fortunately I didn’t make that mistake.
The Montgomery team have done an outstanding job. I love the insights on decisions made in weekly posts and interviews. Thank you again for making investing not only profitable but also insightful.
Roger Montgomery
Delighted to be working for you Campbell
Patrick Poke
Well you beat me at 14.82% for the 12 months up to 30 November, but I think with returns in the double digits we can all be happy.
Roger Montgomery
Well done Patrick. The much harder part is maintaining it.
Patrick Poke
Too true, I’m yet to face my first bear market so I’m sure that will be the real test! Once the team at netwealth allow the Global fund and/or the Montaka fund on their platform I’ll be handing most of my international allocation to you guys – it’s enough trying to manage local shares, I’ll leave the overseas to someone more experienced. (I can’t say ‘professional’ any more as I’ll be one myself from Monday!)
Roger Montgomery
We look forward to working for you in that capacity Patrick. Thanks again for the encouraging word, we all appreciate it.
Darren Guiver
Very True Roger, and it takes more time than I initially expected but with my performance for the 12 months up to Nov 30 2015 @ 21.69% I do feel its is worth it. It took me a few years to build my framework – something I think is very important. And I must thank you for your great book Valuable which started my journey. The other key benefit of being a retail investor as you mentioned before is the ability to invest in the more illiquid stocks that the larger fund managers would sometimes like to but are unable due to liquidity.
Roger Montgomery
Indeed Darren. You do take on a little more risk that way and its hard to replicate when you get bigger, but make the most of its when the sun shines!
Shreyas Dave
Congratulations on this great results. Once I have enough funds I am going to invest with you. Keep up the good work guys.
Roger Montgomery
We look forward to working for you Dave